Sunday, September 25, 2016

HOME | My Nightly Cleaning Routine

When I was thinking about the concept of my blog, I was thinking of just keeping the theme fashion/beauty related! But since having a kid, and another on the way I just have so much more to share.
My mother is the biggest influence in my life. She is the ultimate homemaker, and a total guru when it comes to cleaning and being organised. I never took notice of this, I have a 'messier' nature until I started my own family.

Adding more family members is a total game changer. When I was working full time, mornings were hectic! Getting the kiddo ready for daycare, getting MYSELF ready, having breakfast, lunches packed, etc etc etc.... And trying to not leave the house in a total state, it was a challenge. Now that I am staying a home things have calmed down but I am still super busy throughout the day. It's not like I am sitting on the sofa watching daytime TV. I enjoy being productive and getting things done asap.
Anyway, off topic. Mum has always done a little tidy before going to bed, and I have adapted this into my nightly ritual. I HATE feeling flustered in the mornings and to ensure smooth sailing I wanted to share my 'hot spots.' Now, this does not include the kitchen. That is beast that requires a bit more attention in my opinion.... and depends how ambitious you were during dinner time cooking. However, I try and ensure the following:

* Lunches and leftovers packed away
* Dishes cleaned and put back
* Counter tops and stove wiped down
* Finger marks wiped from the fridge and microwave (stainless steel *sigh*)
* Rubbish taken out if need be

And then begins the clock.... 15mins starts from NOW

* Toys put back where they belong 
* Laundry put away
* Quick and general de-clutter of the living area. Misc items that seem to make their way onto the sofa for example
* Depending on your layout, I general wizz through putting away anything that doesn't belong

* Quick wipe down of the counter and sink (I keep a cloth and spray handy in our draw)
* Empty rubbish if need be
* Replace towels... the sniff test!

* Hang all clothes!! I have no idea how it happens... but everytime there is stuff on the floor. I hate waking up to this in the morning
* Quick de-clutter of the bedside. I keep this super minimal so its easy for me
* Again, general tidy and straightening up of the room

* Put toys away and clear the floor. I keep toys in storage bins, this makes it soooo easy!

And that is pretty much it! We only have a little 2 bedroom place so it is much easier to maintain, and literally takes me 15mins!
I have things that I do daily in the morning (more deeper cleaning e.g. wiping dust, cleaning bathroom, vacuuming etc)... Maintaining a nightly cleaning routine makes it so much easier! 

Hope you guys enjoyed this post! Let me know if this content is at all interesting... who would of thought cleaning can be so much 'fun' :P

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